Giving Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens To The Money I Give To The Divergent Church?

When you give to The Divergent Church, God does something amazing. He multiplies your gifts and does more with it than any of us could ask or imagine. Your giving becomes part of God’s plan to resource the local church to do His work here on earth. All of the money given to The Divergent Church goes to the ministries and needs of the church to operate efficiently and effectively. And He also allows you to be a part of all He is doing in our community. Know that we honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of The Divergent Church remains beyond reproach.

There is a financial breakdown report shared with the church board each month that accounts for what came into the church, and what went out, and in detail on what it was spent on. Each year we have an annual business meeting where we show what came in, and what went out and where it went to specifically. We also prepare a budget for the following year for the church to approve at the annual meeting. The total giving is shared, but the individual giving is never revealed, meaning we do not talk about who gave how much, just in total how much was given. Therefore your giving records are known only to you, not even the church board has access to an individual's giving record.

We have used funds in the past to help families in need, to give out meals at Thanksgiving time, assist families for Christmas, and care packages for families in need. Also supporting and assisting those who are dealing with a loss, sickness, a new born has arrived, or any number of other circumstances that would open the door for us to be a help. Facilitating church gatherings such as an all church cookout, or marriage fellowship classes and activities.

When you give to The Divergent Church you can rest assured the funds are accounted for both monthly, and annually, and that they are used only for the needs of the church.

Why Should I Give?

The Bible encourages us in many passages to bring the first fruits of our increase to God, to lay an offering before Him, to support what He is doing. We see in 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart..." You make the decision how you want to donate, how you would like to bring back to God what He has given to you. Malachi 3:10 says to bring the full tithe into the storehouse... tithe is a measure used for giving, 10% of ones income. To bring the tithe to the Lord is to acknowledge He is the provider of our increase. It also acknowledges He is our source and our faith is in Him not what we can do on our own. Tithing is a Biblical principal, but if you are new to donating to church remember the words of Paul that we just mentioned a moment ago, give as you have decided in your heart. Not to a church, not to a person, but to the Lord, and rest assured He is in charge, and will take care of not only your gift and willingness to give, but He will also take care of you as well. Matthew 6:19-21 reminds us "where your treasure is there your heart is also". That simply reminds us we will invest where our spirit is leading us to, and as we invest in the work of the Lord we show our heart is indeed with Him in love and purpose.

When we give we are able to do great things together. There is a synergy that happens when we come together for a purpose, for a mission. Giving to the church through donations of funds, goods, or giving of our time will help to make a large impact on the community around us, especially when we are in it together. My dollar can do something, can help someone, but when all of us come together and give we can accomplish even greater things for our communities, and for the Lord.

What is the best way to give?

The easiest and best way to give is through The Divergent Church giving page (Click here to go to the giving page now). You can make a gift, schedule your giving, and review your giving history all in one place.

How can I get a Giving Statement for Tax purposes?

You can download your online giving history anytime by logging into your account on our online giving page by clicking here. We will also send you a giving statement by January 31 of the following calendar year. If you need help getting a copy of your giving statement or have questions about your giving history, just let us know at and we’d be happy to help!

What is the Most Cost Effective Way of Giving?

The most cost-effective method of giving to The Divergent Church is the “bank account” option. This method has the lowest processing costs which allows us to put more of your gift to work in ministry.