About Us


The Divergent Church started out of a desire for something more, something different. Some of us have been in church before, and some have not, but we understand there is more to life than just working, eating, sleeping, and dying. We are a church centered on the power of prayer. Divergent was started with weekly Tuesday evening prayer gatherings in Frederick, MD. Prayer remains the center of everything we do. As we grow and move forward into more gathering times, including Bible studies, youth group, and more, prayer will continue to be at the heart of everything we do. The more we stay connected to God, the more powerful and peaceful our lives will be.

We are a group of people who follow Jesus, and desire to know truth. We are a group of people who try to love each other, and try to love everyone the way Jesus has loved us. We aren't perfect, but we strive to be real, to be genuine, and honest.

We are a church, we are Divergent.


1. We highly value knowing what we believe, and why we believe it.

2. Every member of Divergent is a minister, and an ambassador of Jesus.

3. We focus first on the things that unite us.

4. Everyone matters to God and is equally important.

5. Be real, be genuine, be honest.

6. We are the church, all of us as people in the community.

7. We are both intellectual and emotional about our faith. A head knowledge and a heart knowledge, which brings balance and maturity.


Divergent is a name that means different, non-conforming; relating to or becoming an infinite series, without limits. This defines us, who we are in Jesus. We become different, "if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation". We become limitless, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". We are not controlled but instead we are free to think, "do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds."

We become Divergent.